Frontline Perception System

Empowering Intel Analysts

Distill Insights out of Raw Data. No Coding or Cloud-internet Required.

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The Problem

Analysts are Overwhelmed by Data

In Defense, sensor data collection always exceeds the human capacity to process it. International conflicts have made this problem even more severely felt by those working tirelessly to protect our national security. And training must be done in context with the operating environment.

Intel Cycle

Data Collection
Pain: Quantity & Cost
Data Processing
Pain: Capacity & Quality
Common Intel Picture
Pain: Fusion & Correlation
The solution

The Frontline Perception System

Software that automates processing, exploitation and dissemination ("AutoPED").

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How we do it

Everyone Should be Able to Fix their Own AI/ML

Admit it! Your machine learning is broken and the builders won't let you fix it yourself. With TurbineOne, now you can! And the best part: no coding and no cloud required!

Product Features

Automating Threat Recognition

Smart Alerts
AI/ML Detectors
Sensor Fusion
New Hardware


“The software platform is widely applicable for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance use-cases because it empowers users with a do-it-yourself toolkit that is uniquely suited for military environments.”

Kurt Andrews
Principal Investigator for OUSD R&E’s FutureG and 5G Office.

"Artificial Intelligence for Small Unit Maneuver (AISUM) combines Naval Expeditionary Warfare and Special Operations Forces (SOF) tactical maneuver elements with Robotic Autonomous Systems (RAS) to create a low risk human machine maneuver element that gains, maintains and extends access in complex, contested and congested areas, providing a decisive advantage and precision application of effects."

AISUM Challenge
in which TurbineOne was one of the award winners

“As the former Defense Intelligence Agency Director, I’m familiar with our nation’s best intelligence capabilities. I’ve never seen an Intel tool like this one from TurbineOne. It can find the needle in a haystack and significantly increase the effectiveness of our nation’s intel analysts.”

Lieutenant General Bob Ashley (retired)
Pallas Advisors
We can work with every type of data

If a Human Can Understand it then Our System can Train ML Models to Find it.

Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence is a critical ingredient within modern military intelligence operations. TurbineOne has demonstrated successful field performance integrating large amounts of this data type.


Using existing sonar ML models, the FPS is capable of being trained to differentiate between objects. This user-driven process will help analysts conducting maritime domain awareness identify vessels or objects of interest based on their unique size, shape, or sound patterns. As more users create these refined sonar models, the FPS will deliver better results.


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) requires advanced training to understand and interpret the results. The FPS is able to capture the capabilities of the best SAR analysts across the service by federating their knowledge across refined SAR ML Models - ensuring consistent and accurate detections regardless of the operating environment.

EO/IR Video

Intel analysts cannot effectively monitor more than a few video feeds at a time. It's much better to leverage the FPS to augment the human eye on thousands of video feeds simultaneously.

Satellite Imagery

Analysts spend too much time zooming and scrolling through still images. Instead, leverage the zero-shot feature of the FPS to build your own detection models. And then iterate on those ML models as new content becomes available.

“The software platform is widely applicable for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance use-cases because it empowers users with a do-it-yourself toolkit that is uniquely suited for military environments.”

Kurt Andrews


“As the former Defense Intelligence Agency Director, I’m familiar with our nation’s best intelligence capabilities. I’ve never seen an Intel tool like this one from TurbineOne. It can find the needle in a haystack and significantly increase the effectiveness of our nation’s intel analysts.”

Lieutenant General Bob Ashley (retired)

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Responsible AI for Military Intelligence

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